
NLP Project: Beyond Words: Enhancing Reasoning in Entity Tracking

Researched and wrote a paper evaluating the impact of fine-tuning reasoning models on entity tracking, using a T5-base model with a focus on mathematical and computational reasoning tasks. The study compares performance across various datasets: general knowledge, coding, and math. Results indicate that models trained on coding datasets excel in entity tracking, while those on math datasets struggle with unfamiliar symbols.

NLP Project: Beyond Words: Enhancing Reasoning in Entity Tracking

This paper explores the impact of fine-tuning models equipped with reasoning capabilities on entity tracking. Leveraging a T5-base model, we evaluate the effects of fine- tuning via two distinct avenues: mathematical reasoning using mathematical question-answer pairs and computational reasoning with coding- related question-answer pairs. The study in- vestigates the models’ performances across in- dividual datasets—general knowledge, code, and math—as well as their combinations. Re- sults demonstrate that models trained on code- only datasets exhibit superior entity tracking capabilities compared to general knowledge- based models, while those trained on math- ematical reasoning exhibit challenges due to out-of-vocabulary symbols